Andalucia Steve


A cracking day in Olvera

Feels like spring

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Olvera is located in Andalucia about an hour and a half in the car from the Atlantic ocean. As such we do seem to get four proper seasons. This winter we had a ton of rain and for the last month or so there has still been the threat of changeability. Today however was different. Today we had 27 degrees. Today there was a wedding, a funeral and a communion. Today the water was cut off for the whole town for the whole of today. Today was different. Today was special.

View from the terrace I did try to take a photo to express what a nice day it is - this is the best I could come up with!

Gravatar #Andalucia evangelist, social marketer, musician, guitar technician, reformed estate agent, recovering programmer, political disruptor - yup that's me!


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