Andalucia Steve


Antaño Rioja Crianza 2009

A very powerful full-bodied yet inexpensive Crianza

This wine is one of my regular favourites. At 2.78 euros per bottle it is the bargain of the century if you like OAK AGED wine with a high tanin content.


 Rioja Crianza 2009 Rear label of the Antaño 2009 Crianza


This a great wine to have with spicy Mexican food like Burritos or a good hot Indian curry. This is because the flavour is very robust and fruity. It is a blend of Temperanillo, Garnacha, Graciano and Mazuelo grapes and is blended in such a way is to mimic a gran reserva, though infact it is fermented in stainless steel and given 12 months in oak barrels, so it's pretty much on the way to being a reserva anyway.

Of all the cheap wines I've tried since coming to Spain, this one impresses most. You can get better if you go over the three euros mark but under three, this is the one for me.

Oh and in case your're wondering it has a real cork and the alcohol is a creditable 14%. The bodega name is Garcia Carrion.



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