Andalucia Steve


The Blues Raiders Updates


The Blues Raiders become Raiders LiteAs the astute follower of live music in the north-east of Cádiz province, you may know this already, but the Blues Raiders are no more...the band survives as a duo and the name has changed to the Raiders Lite!

To explain the reasoning behind this you need to know a little history. Nigel and I first met in around 2009/10 and became guitar buddies, jamming and exchanging ideas. Back then we both played acoustic guitars and would often meet and play at the Alameda in Olvera, often over a convivial Rioja or two at what was then Bar Mi Pueblo.

Paco, who ran the bar, talked us into playing a concert and our previous incarnation, Los Delgados was born. More middle of the road than anything, we played acoustics and sang songs by Jini Mitchell, Buddy Holly and the like. We played several seasons in Mi Pueblo until it finally closed its doors (in about 2012).

We then scouted for other places to play and La Noria became our bar of choice, firstly because the chap who ran it, also called Paco (in fact by the strangest coincidence, also called Francisco Medina Troya) was a blues fan and harmonica player, and secondly the bar had a nice quiet patio away from the traffic, allowing us to while away the balmy summer evenings playing a bit of guitar and enjoying still more convivial Rioja. We immediately switched to a blues reportoire to provide a platform for the harmonica, and overtime switched to electric instruments, bass and guitar which suited a more 'Chicago sound'. Again we started doing public concerts, building a reportoire which led to shows in other locations such as the Biblioteca and the White Towns festival.

More recently Paco took employment outside of the pueblo, staying away during the week and only returning to Olvera at the weekend, making it difficult for him to commit to gigs in other places. Even if we played when he was in town on a Saturday, he really had to spend time with family rather than play a gig with us. Subsequently the bar closed, meaning we could only play at other venues.

This meant we faced two problems. Paco's availability was already in question and so we could not say with any certainty whether he could be relied upon to attend a particular event. Also the blues reportoire that we had built, largely to support the harmonica was turning out to be a liability. We were already aware blues has limited appeal, especially among a Spanish audience. After some research we decided Rock was the music of choice for an Olvera based band and harmonica was only of limited use.

So we took the unpleasant decision to drop Paco from the lineup. These things are never easy. Paco has been a good mate over the years and we have enjoyed many evenings playing with him and building our musical partnership. Alas, all things must pass!

That means there will be no more updates here about the Blues Raiders. In future all information about Raiders Lite will be posted on our Facebook page,


Blues Raiders Updates

Late night fun at Manhattan

Blues Raiders played live last Saturday

Blues Raiders live at Bar ManhattanSorry to blog after the event, but the Blues Raiders played Bar Manhattan Cafe Copas last Friday the 20th Januay 2017. I didn't blog before as we were expecting it was only going to be an all Spanish audience as the start time was 11:30pm.

As it happens some non-Spanish people did brave the cold - thanks particularly to Brett and Patricia, whose dancing, cheering and heckles of encouragement were greatly appreciated!

In the tradition of 'here's what you would have one', this is the setlist from the gig:

Mercury Blues
Let the good times roll
Hoochie Coochie Man
Old Time Rock n Roll
Unchain my heart
Steamy Windows
Money For Nothing
Lets Stick Together
Jean Genie
Born To Be Wild
Black Magic Woman
Little by little
Whiskey in the Jar
Hotel California
Long Train Running
You Never Can Tell
Proud Mary
Get Lucky
Rockin All Over The World
Come on in
Johnny B Goode
Flatfoot Sam
I Saw Her Standing There
La Bamba
Mustang Sally

As you can see we've been been moving away from blues. Now that Bar La Noria has closed, we're having to find gigs in other places, and well to be honest, blues is not really in high demand here in Olvera. We've therefore decided to move away from blues for our main set and we're introducing lots of new numbers in more of a rock genre. As a result, we're not going to be needing a harmonica in every song, so Nigel and I are going to be moving forward as a due. Paco has done a fantastic job which we thank him for very much, and the door is open for us to play as a blues three-piece again if a suitable gig arises. But for now we're moving on with a new set and hopefully a new band name - T.B.A so watch this space!!

Last blast at La Noria

Come see us play the last gig of 2016 at our local bar La Noria

Blues Raiders in Bar La NoriaSaturday 17th of December 2016 will be the last Blues Raiders gig of 2016, and possibly the last time we will play there, at least while it is under the stewardship of Eva and Paco. As you may have heard, Paco has a job which takes him out of town during the week, and Eva is unable to handle such a big bar on her own, so they are putting the business up for sale.

The Blues Raiders were born in Bar La Noria, when Nigel and I started informal jams with Paco several summers ago. Things soon moved on and now we are playing in other venues. In fact Paco may have more time to play with us in future as he doesn't have to worry about who is manning the kitchen. So watch this space about forthcoming Blues Raiders gigs in the new year - we already have one penciled in for January but no names, no pack drill.

Adios Bar La Noria. Viva The Blues Raiders

Blues Raiders Live in the Swimming Pool!

Blues Raiders will be performing at the swimming pool bar in Torre

Blues raiders in torre alhaquimeThe trio will be playing in what is known locally as the swimming pool bar in Torre-Alháquime on 10 of December. It will probably be a bit cold for skinny-dipping after the gig but we live in hope.

Kick-off is at 9:30 and if any of our regular fan-base from Olvera and Pruna want to come, the address is Calle El Arenal, 0 S/N, 11691 Torre-Alháquime, Cádiz.

We will probably be trying out some new songs from Santana, Queen and Dire Straits so come along and join the fun!


The Blues Raiders Live Inside

Riding high in November

The Blues Raiders Live Friday 18 November 2016The Blues Raiders are playing at Bar La Noria on Friday 18 November. We will be playing between 9-12pm our usual set plus a few new numbers.

This may be the last chance to see us before Christmas. As ever tickets are free and food is available.

Blues Raiders Ride Again

Blues Raiders play our first indoor gig of the season at La Noria

Blues Raiders Octoberfest!Straight from the Andalusia delta, the Blues Raiders ride again in a live indoor show at Bar La Noria.

With a 9 o'clock start, we'll be roaring into to some blues and rock numbers old and new. Our recent guest Andrew Derrick has gone back to blighty so Nigel resumes the role as lead guitar. Several die-hard fans are are back in town (Pauline, Bill, Lynda) so should be a good crowd. So why don't you come down and dance the night away.

As ever there is extra staff in the kitchen, allowing Paco to cover the harmonica, so feel free to indulge yourself with the full gamut of the La Noria menu.

Also we really want to hear from you if there are any favourite songs you want us to cover. Remember, we're a local band for local people!

Busy busy busy in October

Three weddings and a funeral sort of!

The Blues Raiders have two birthday gigs in October 2016 - the first on the 1 Oct 2016 in the Hotel Pino, the secnod on the 15th in Bar Manhatten. We will also be playing in our regular haunt, Bar La Noria on the 21st


All being well, we will also be hosting a Karaoke night at Bar La Noria on Friday 7th.


The Pino gig will feature a guest lead guitar player, Andrew, so even if you don'thave an invite, worth pitching up to the bar for a drink - you'll be able to hear us even if we're playing poolside, though forecast suggests we will be inside!

We're Back

Blues Raiders Ride Again Friday 9th September 2016

After a brief summer holiday, the Blues Raiders will be playing Bar La Noria from 10pm on Friday 9th September 2016.

As ever food is available and there will be the usual mayhem on the terrace. There will be a few new numbers in addition to the favourites in are traditional song set.

Technical problems prevented us from broadcasting the last set through periscope, though hope to rectify that this time. Details of the scope will be announced via Twitter @andaluciasteve

The Blues Raiders will also be playing at a private party in the Hotel Sierra Y Cal on 1 October. Those unlucky enough not to be invited can always turn up at the bar and 'cock an ear' in the direction of the terrace where we will be playing.

The Return of the Blues Raiders

A night of Blues in a Bar near you

The return of the Blues RaidersThe Blues Raiders are back, with a down home, country blues style that will curl your toes and flip the top off of a beer bottle at twenty paces!

All you have to do for a free rootin-tootin' concert of some of the best blues this side of the Mississippi is come to Bar La Nor-I-A on Friday the 29 of July and enjoy the atmosphere.

This bar is licensed by the government of Cadiz to serve some of the finest liquors available in this part of the fine state of Andaluz, so why don't you try a Mojito, or Dakhuirri while your here?

Our patron Paco also has a deep respect for latin food south of the border, so why not try one of his fajitas while you's here?

Now tha only thing you have to worry about is if you don't dance...our lead singer, well, he's an ornery cuss, and if you don't take to dancin' well he might juss take a pot-shot at yur feet - just' a warnin' ya now!!


Edited 30 July - the day after. Thanks to all who came and made it a wonderful night, standing room only at the end. The next gig really will be in September - honest!

The Blues Raiders Live Outside

Olvera's premier blues outfit to play the La Noria terrace

The Blues Raiders are back next Thursday 7th July. Hot on the heels of the White Towns festival, the guys are trading a 10,000 watt p.a. and Jean Michel-Jarre style light show for a semi-acoustic gig outside on the terrace at Bar La Noria. Due to concerns about noise, we're turning down the volume for a semi-acoustic gig. Bass and drums will be electric on low volume, wheres the guitar and harmonica will be acoustic only.

Due to the 'unplugged' nature of the gig, there will be a return to our roots with a new set featuring some of our old acoustic numbers.

It remains to be seen whether the newly adopted cat will be playing with the Raiders. At this time no assessment has been made of his keyboard skills, though we are looking forward to hearing his rendition of 'kitten on the keys' by Depussy.

As is the norm now, there will be extra staff in the kitchen so don't be afraid to order some of the great La Noria grub (the fajitas are my personal favourite!) Also they do the most amazing mojitos and Daiqueries for a mere 3.50 euros which are a bargain!!

Be seeing you!



The White Towns Festival

Great gig - not enough people

The Blues Raiders - penultimate of the five bands playing the White Towns FestivalThe Blues Raiders played at the White Towns Festival on 24th June.

The gig was poorly marketed and nearly cancelled due to low ticket sales, though protestations of all the bands involved prevailed and the show did, as it must, go on.

As you can see from the picture, there was a huge stage with a very professional lighting rig and a huge sound system.

There were five bands playing in all , including another blues band from Olvera and a rock outfit from Seville called the Stinkis who were really impressive.

Though you can't see it from the picture there was an audience of a hundred people or so, but all were behind the photographer, many hanging around the beer tent or sitting on the stone steps at the side of the stadium.

In typical Spanish fashion our 10:30 spot saw us going on at gone 11 and we played until past midnight. The final band that followed us, Los Vecinos de Callejon were still playing when I got home at about 1:30. Such was the power of the PA I could hear them clearly in the still night air all the way from up at the castle!

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Blues Raiders Media

Black Magic Woman - featuring James Tucker on screaming lead guitar:


Let's Stick Together:

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